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Crop Circles


Crop circles are sizeable patterns or fanciful designs created by the flattening of crops. These have been reported in mostly wheat, corn, barley, oats, canola, rye, grass, rice, trees, sand, and even snow. There are many observations that have been made over the world-map that seem to indicate that there are particular characteristics that non-manmade formations appear to exhibit. Crop circles have appeared on almost every continent of the world. They have been seen in many countries like Canada, Australia, India, South Africa, Russia, US, China etc. Sometimes formations were also found inside the restricted areas.

Different patterns of crop circles.. There are many different patterns of crop circles seen. T hey appear in various shape, size and geometries. Most of the formations are found in circular shape. These vary in size from small to very large sized formations.

Side effects of Crop circles on people.. Many people have described odd feelings during and after a visit to a crop formation. These may be headaches, dizziness, pains, giddiness, sickness, tingling, sensations etc. Sometimes the effects are felt only after leaving the formation, such as sickness or disruption to the mentrual cycle, which could be affected by the surge of energies absorbed from within the formation.

Other side effects of Crop circles.. There have been many reports which show the failing of electronic equipment in crop circles. And there are also the reports of compasses spinning out of control in & over the crop circles. These equipments include watches, mobile phones, cameras and many other small electronic equipments. There are no clear explanations for these occurrences, other than the indication of a strong EM field distortions.

Connection of Crop circles with UFO.. UFOs are sometimes seen over and around crop formations. However, classic, structured UFOs have been reported only a few times. But Small balls of light have been seen, photographed many times and even videotaped a number of times.


Pictures of Crop Circles

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