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Missions for Message to Aliens


Many orgainsations like NASA, SETI etc has done (and still doing) many efforts to findout the truth of Aliens. For the same NASA has sent many of their space crafts to far distances with such material so that if Aliens find them, then they can atleast know about us (about Earth and Humans), can reply or response suitably. In this series some of the mission are briefed below..

1. The Pioneer Plaques

2. Arecibo Message

3. The Voyager program


Your Message to Aliens


TOP (The Other Planet) Research Group also agree that they are also searching for us as we are trying to findout more about them, we have also started our mission of MTA (Message To Aliens), and this will contain all the messages provided by internet users. Goto our exclusive webpage MTA to put Your Message To Aliens.

Your Message To Aliens



Signals from Aliens


Our scientists are working hard to send them any clue about us, and also ready to receive any message/signal/reply from aliens. Few of such signals recieved, which are being claimed as alien's signals are briefed below..
Wow Signal
Signal received at Vadodara, India



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